home heating fireplace

Top Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Heating Unit

’Tis the season to crank up the thermostat! When was the last time you considered the health of your heating unit? As the winter weather storms in, staying cozy and warm in your space becomes top of mind. Here are the top signs that point to your furnace needing an upgrade.

Home Heating

Loud Noises

Screeches and clangs coming from your furnace room? If some new or strange noises have started coming from your heating unit then, that’s a sign you may need an upgrade. 

It could be from a belt, fan, or blower. Reach out to our team and we will be able to help you determine the best course of action.


Time’s Up

The fact is, all machines have a lifespan and an older heating unit will never be as reliable as a newer and more efficient unit. Typically, home heating units last for about ten years. If yours is starting to reach that age, it’s time to start looking for a new model – sooner rather than later.

Pro Tip: Thermostats have also seen some major improvements, so we recommend considering swapping your existing unit for a smart, programmable thermostat. This is another sure-fire way to save energy—and money, too.


Inconsistent Heating Temps

You may have started to notice that your unit does not put off as much heat as it used to. Performance issues are a common sign to consider an upgrade for heating units. These types of issues can make it harder to maintain comfortable temperatures in your home while also causing damage to parts or components within your aging system. Essentially the harder your system must work, the more wear you put on the internal parts, which can lead to more repairs.

Dog Winter Heating up with Scarf
Man heating up with a scarf

Heating Bills

Speaking of higher utility bills, have you seen a higher-than-normal increase in yours? Heating systems of a certain age often lead to future underlying problems that will cost you more money over time. Making the choice to upgrade your heating system to a more energy-efficient option, can lead to your home enjoying more stable temperatures and a lower energy bill. If your unit is not working properly, it will use more power and energy to try and heat your home which in turn will run up your electric bills each month. If you want to have a reliable heating source, it may be time to upgrade your older unit.


Call Cascade Today

If you notice any of these signs that point to a potential heating system upgrade, Cascade Mechanical is ready to answer all your questions!

Give us a call at (403) 679-1983 and we’ll help you get that heat going again!